Huron for the Mississippi

I've tried to avoid the personal on this blog. This little spot on the web is about about food and health, not me. But I wanted to take a moment to thank all the wonderful people I've come to know in St. Louis. I'm leaving tomorrow morning in a Ford Escort with a stereo-microscope, a Macintosh workstation, and a few hundred strains of Drosophila melanogaster to start a new adventure (my family will be traveling before me in a cruise-controlled Mini-Van).
I'll also be taking along memories of wonderful people. I've learned so much about life, health, and fitness during my time in St. Louis, and that's because there have been so many passionate folks here working hard to get these things right. So, for all my CrossFitting, O-Lifting, and Food-Loving friends in the STL: I love you all and will miss you more than I can express.
Come up and see me soon.
And as for Ann Arbor: I look forward to meeting you.
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